India is a place where many mystical stories and mysteries are buried in the lap of time. But these mysterious marks do come in front of people in some form or the other. The Bhangarh Fort story is the most fascinating and famous among these famous mystical stories. Bhangarh Fort is one of the most haunted places in the world and there are many horror stories associated with this mysterious fort.
According to the locals, this place is ruled by demonic forces during the night. Many people have their own version of the story of Bhangarh Fort, but according to legends, the place is haunted by the evil spirit of a black magician. It is said that the person who stays in Bhangarh Fort at night never sees the morning, either dies or becomes mad.
Bhangarh Fort is not only famous for its haunted stories but also one of the best places to visit in Rajasthan. Being one of the scariest places in India, many curious people want to visit this place, making it the most visited and attractive place for tourists.
Let’s Know More About Bhangarh Fort

Bhangarh Fort is situated on the border of the famous Sariska Reserve in the range of Aravalli hill in Alwar, Rajasthan. The present fort of Bhangarh was not like this before, this fort was very beautiful and was the residence of the kings of Rajasthan. King Bhagwant Das built this grand fort for his younger son Madho Singh in the 16th century.
Built in the 16th-century, this fort is most popular for its scariest image worldwide. Surrounded by high dense mountains on all sides, this fort is situated in the middle of these hills and looks very scary. Although this fort is a wonderful piece of architecture and it is a very beautiful tourist place with many things to see. But this fort is more famous as the most haunted in India because of the many haunted incidents and legends associated with this fort.
Those who came to visit this place told that they had felt many strange activities here which shows there is something that can’t be explained. It is a matter of thought that how a grand and beautiful fort suddenly turned into a desolate place. Once you visit this place you will encounter that the place is completely ruined, haunted fort of Bhangarh has a very eerie, negative aura that no one is allowed to enter the fort after dark.
It is said that during the night, the effect of demonic powers flares up here. While visiting this place you can also hear the stories of local people who have faced strange incidents and evil spirits. This fort is under the protection of the Archaeological Survey of India and even they also take care that no one can enter during the night.
What Is The Mystery Behind The Bhangarh Fort Story
As we all know, Bhangarh Fort is a famous tourist spot in Rajasthan, but Bhangarh Fort is also the most suspicious fort in India because of the ghost stories related to it. It is very surprising that such a huge fort which once used to be the residence of the kings has become a desolate ruin today. But the question is what is so mysterious behind the Bhangarh Fort story making it one of the scariest forts in India.
The stories related to Bhangarh Fort are as interesting as they are scary. According to some locals, two versions of the stories are said to be the reason behind the destruction of this fort. These two stories are different from each other, but both are still very famous among the locals and the visitors who come here to visit this fort. So let’s discuss more about these two horror stories of Bhangarh Fort.
Bhangarh Fort Story (I):- The Curse of ascetic Balu Nath
According to the first legend, a hermit named Balu Nath lived here and used to do penance and meditation at this place. One day King Madho Singh came here with the desire to build a huge palace at this place. After learning that a sage lives at this place, he went to sage Balunath and pleaded with him to build a palace at this place. Following his request, the sage agreed on a condition that the shadow of the fort should not touch his meditation place, failing which the king would face dire consequences.
But unfortunately, during the construction of the fort, a successor of Madho Singh ignored the warnings and fortified the fort with steep high walls. As a result, the shadow of the fort encircled the sage’s penance site, which angered the ascetic Balunath and he cursed the fort and its occupants. He cursed that everything in this place would be destroyed. After this, the entire fort along with the surrounding houses and markets became ruins.
Once full of life, Bhangarh is now a ghost house with ruined houses. It is said that till date no roof has been made on any house here. At night this place becomes the capital of the ghosts of those who lived here and lost their lives in the curse. For this reason, it is strictly prohibited to visit this place at night.
Bhangarh Fort Story (II):- The Lust of a Black Magician
According to this story, Princess Ratnawati of Bhangarh was very beautiful, and her beauty was discussed all over the state. A Tantrik also lived on the top of the mountain near the Bhangarh Fort and was a practitioner of black magic. One Day he saw princess Ratnawati in the market and fell in love with her. He became so infatuated with her beauty that he wanted to marry her at any cost.
One day that tantric conspired, and when Ratnawati’s maid came to buy some cosmetics from the market for her, the tantric followed her and put a spelled perfume in her items so he can hypnotize Ratnawati and make her fall in love with him. But as soon as Ratnawati felt something strange, she hit all the cosmetics on a big stone piece, and because of the black magic, that huge stone flew in the air and went to the Tantrik and crushed him to death.
But before taking his last breath, the Tantrik cursed the whole village that nobody would live peacefully after his death, and this village would have to face starvation and deal with their unfortunate fate. After this, Bhangarh Fort became one of the most haunted places in India and this is the Bhangarh Fort.
Till now nobody is allowed to stay here after dark as it is believed that the spirit of the Tantrik is still haunting this place and some say that the spirits of villagers who lost their lives because of the Tantrik crush are haunting this place.
FAQ Of Bhangarh Fort
Ans: There are many horror stories related to Bhangarh Fort, but there is no proof by which anybody can prove it is true.
Ans: The entry fee for Indians is INR 15 and for Foreign tourists, it is INR 200 and free for children below 15 years of age.
Ans: No, Staying at Bhangarh Fort after Sunset is not allowed as per the guidelines of the Indian Govt. The gates of Bhangarh fort get close every day before 6:00 PM.
Ans: You can reach Bhangarh Fort by train, aeroplane, and bus, or also personal vehicles, The nearest airport is in Jaipur, or you can reach there from Alwar by road. The distance from Alwar to Bhangarh Fort is 60 km.
Ans: Yes the Bhangarh fort is safe to visit as it is the most famous tourist place in Rajasthan.
Ans: The distance from Delhi to Bhangarh is 196 km and you can reach there via taxi, bus, train, car and personal vehicle.