Planning a trekking tour with family and friends. You must be looking for the best-quality trekking shoes within your budget. We have curated a list of the most affordable and Best Waterproof Trekking Shoes Under 3000, which you can grab to start your trekking journey. There are some basic things that you must look into before you buy trekking shoes for your journey.
Build Material and Quality- This is one of the primary things you must look at before you buy trekking shoes. Some of the best durable materials for trekking shoes are synthetic leather, suede, and quality synthetic materials. This makes the shoes quite durable and protects them from all the sharp objects and impacts.
Company Reputation- Therefore, we cannot forget the company of the trekking shoes, which you must look for. Big brands take care of small details, which other brands might ignore. This makes their shoes quite unique and have the best usage.
Ratings and Reviews- Look for reviews from people who have experience trekking. They might tell you about a hidden brand gem that you might like. Go for the shoes that have higher ratings and good reviews to get the most out of your price.
Breathability- You have to wear trekking shoes for a long time on the expedition. Thus, the shoes must be breathable to give you the best-trekking experience. This will take care of your legs in a rough environment and make sure you are safe during the expedition.
There are many other factors that we could add to the above list, like style and looks, cost effectiveness, and the water resistance of the trekking shoes for outdoor. But we can’t discuss all of them here. All the shoes that we will sell are under the budget and provide great quality and durability. Let’s dive into the list that you are waiting for.
7 Best Waterproof Trekking Shoes Under 3000
These are the best hiking shoes that you can purchase online under the price point of ₹3000, which is quite a sweet spot for beginners and mediocre hikers. Offering great features and quality attracts a lot of people. All these shoes have been added to the list according to their ratings and reviews, and they are some of the best you can find in this price range.
1. Bacca Bucci Men’s Hunter 6-Inch Waterproof Trekking Shoes for Men

Bacca Bucci Men’s Hunter 6-Inch Product Details
Shaft Height | Ankle Inches |
Material Type | Rubber |
Heel Type | Flat |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Toe style | Round Toe |
Country of Origin | India |
Bacca Bucci never disappoints in combining quality with style. These hiking shoes are no exception. These hiking shoes are lightweight and made up of high-quality artificial fluff, which is hiking and snow-friendly and also makes the shoes highly durable against harsh environments.
Many beginner hikers prefer these Bacca Bucci shoes, as they are light-weighted and come at a very reasonable price. These 6-inch hiker shoes are high-ankle shoes made with special synthetic material that can withstand low temperatures and also keep your feet’s feet warm.
The exterior is waterproof and saves your feet from getting wet during hiking, which can be very dangerous in the harsh temperature. So, these can become your favorite durable waterproof trekking shoes within budget. The soles of the shoes are designed to be anti-slip and durable giving the hiker the grip they want with great comfort. So you can go for long adventure hiking without any doubt.
2. Unistar Hiking/Mountain Boots for Men

Unistar Hiking Product Details
Shaft height | Ankle Centimetres |
Material type | Polyurethane |
Heel type | No Heel |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Toe style | Round Toe |
This is one of those hiking shoes that are made with very high-tech features, and the overall shoes come out with a great combination of features that make them worth including in the list. These shoes are equipped with cutting-edge moisture-wicking technology, making them more water-resistant.
This technology even absorbs sweat from your feet and gives them accurate moisture. The advanced tread pattern gives these hiking shoes great traction on the harsh floor during hiking.
Giving you more confidence in the grip. More of the very advanced techniques are used in these shoes, which make this a complete package filled with features that make it a favorite choice for all types of hikers.
3. ASIAN Men’s Everest-01 Sports Trekking & Hiking

ASIAN Sports Shoes Product Details
Sole Material | Rubber |
Material Type | Mesh |
Heel Type | Flat |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Not Water Resistant |
Style | Sneaker |
Country of Origin | India |
ASIAN hiking shoes are made for all types of extreme surfaces, from snowy places to harsh rocky land. This comes with a memory sole with an EVA midsole, which gives the hiker a far more comfortable fit than any other shoes on the list. Slip-resistant rubber outsoles, TPU toe protection, and many other modern technologies have been incorporated into these shoes, making them highly durable and a favourite choice among hikers.
The sleek and high ankle design is meant to give you more confidence in the shoes, both aesthetically and physically. The waterproof nanoproof fibres that are being used outside the shoes keep your feet dry in extreme conditions.
These are one of the most sold budget friendly waterproof hiking shoes in the online market. A good choice for sure for many new hikers, and you can also get them at a very reasonable price of ₹1,999. Check out more about these hiking shoes before you buy them for yourself.
4. Unistar Hiking and Trekking High Ankle Shoes for Men Single Density Rugged Sole | Anti Skid

Unistar Hiking and Trekking Shoes Product Details
Shaft Height | Ankle Centimetres |
Material Type | Leather |
Heel Type | No Heel |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Style | Round Toe |
Country of Origin | India |
Another hiking shoe is from the company Unistar, and these shoes are far better than what other companies offer at the same price. These budget hiking shoes offer a rugged outer texture. Giving this a very rough and tough look.
Great for hikers who want style with great quality. Equipped with a sure-footed traction sole, which provides great grip in the slippery water environment, giving the hiker great confidence during the expedition, Effective against oil stains and water-proof technology to keep the shoes dry during hiking.
It comes in a spectrum of colours, which you can choose according to your preference and style. It is definitely a good choice for beginners and moderate hikers, and it also comes at a highly budget price. Unistar shoes are best known for the quality and comfort they provide. This is one of the best waterproof trekking shoes under 3000 in the market.
5. ADD GEAR CTR Trekking Shoes Anti-Skid Hiking, Mountain Boots for Men and Women in Action

ADD GEAR CTR Trekking Shoes Product Details
Sole Material | Rubber |
Material Type | TREKKING SHOES + FREE Silicone Goggle Band |
Heel Type | Flat |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Style | Composite Toe |
Country of Origin | India |
If you plan to trek in the muddy, marshy, and mossy terrain, this shoe is the product you are looking for. While giving off the stylish look of sports shoes, these shoes also have a great grip on harsh terrain, providing a better experience on your trek.
The expensive trekking shoes that you buy can be good for the dry terrain but may not be good enough for the wet, harsh environment. Each step gives you a better grip while also keeping your feet completely dry.
The rubber-gum sole, which is used in Italy, offers a great anti-skid grip. These lightweight shoes also have self-cleaning technology, which helps a lot while trekking in harsh environments with sharp rocks. You can definitely go for these shoes, as they provide all the features you expect from good-quality hiking shoes.
6. FURO Lace Up Hiking and Trekking Comfortable Stylish Outdoor Sports Shoes for Men H20006

FURO Lace-Up Hiking Shoes Product Details
Sole Material | Ethylene Vinyl Acetate |
Material Type | Rubber |
Heel Type | Flat |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Style | Hiking |
Country of Origin | India |
These premium hiking shoes from Red Chief change the game. They not only provide high-quality, rugged hiking shoes for all types of harsh terrain but also give them a premium look. The polyurethane material and Winsik inserts on the upper side provide great support, flexibility, and durability.
The interior of the shoes is equipped with memory foam, which fits your unique foot shape perfectly, giving you a better grip and more confidence while on the terrain. The lace-up feature, which has been in these shoes until now, allows you to tie the shoes perfectly, which won’t loosen with time or jerks.
These are some of those hiking shoes that you can buy by keeping your eyes closed. It has great ratings and reviews online, and it looks like it has satisfied the maximum number of its customers.
7. Woodland Mens G 40777 cma Sneaker

Woodland Men’s G 40777 cma Sneaker Details
Sole material | Other |
Material type | Other |
Heel type | No Heel |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Toe style | Sneaker |
Woodland is the company on which you blindly keep your hand. The G 40777 is no exception either and is one of the highest-rated hiking shoes on the market. Their rugged and rough style has been liked by youngsters for a very long time.
These shoes are handmade, and you can see the perfect stitching that is done over them. These shoes come with a great, thick sole that give these shoes the authentic Woodland look. The grip texture sole pattern makes the shoes highly stable and adhesive to the terrain.
There is no doubt about choosing these shoes as your primary hiking shoes, as these hiking beasts will never fail you.
Also Read:- Buy Adidas Trekking Shoes Check Now
Hopefully, you will like our list of the best waterproof trekking shoes under 3000. All these shoes are great and come with great grip and comfort. All these shoes are perfect for all kinds of harsh terrain, from marshy, mossy terrain to the driest one. We mentioned a total of 7 quality waterproof footwear under 3000 rupees. So that you can start your new adventure at a very reasonable and affordable rate. Keep hiking, keep enjoying see you again soon. THANKS!
FAQs Related to Best Waterproof Trekking Shoes Under 3000
On Trekking, waterproof shoes are very important because If you often trek in rainy or wet areas, waterproof trekking shoes will keep water out and your feet warm and dry, which is important for regulating your temperature.
Undoubtedly, waterproof trekking shoes keep your feet dry and away from the water on your trek, but sweat accumulation soon becomes quite uncomfortable once you start trekking. To prevent this, the trekking shoe material should be breathable.
To maintain your waterproofing trekking shoes, always keep them air-dry for at least 24 hours after cleaning properly. Keep them in an open area at room temperature because Storing wet shoes encourages mildew growth.
The first thing you should look for is the material used in the shoe, and next the comfort level and then the shoe’s design so it can be good at all terms.