Planning your first serious Himalayan trek. The first step after choosing the best beginner trek for you is the best trekking shoes for Himalayan treks. Trekking shoes are the gear you must invest in to get the most out of yourself. These shoes are made especially for trekking and bad terrain and will give you the grip you need.
This is important not only for grip but also to save your foot from water and terrain. As the person loses their body heat when their shoes become wet, these shoes are waterproof and thus will save them from hypothermia. This choice, which you will make, will determine the experience that you will have there.
There are thousands of choices made by many companies that claim that their reeking shoes are better than others. We have made a list of the best trekking shoes for Himalayan treks. We not only sorted the shoes by their quality and their traction but also sorted them by their price range.
This list will help you choose the best shoes that you can get within a budget. These shoes are the top hiking boots for the Himalayan trek at this price point and will elevate the level of your hiking to the next level at a budget-friendly rate.
Best Trekking Shoes for Himalayan Treks
1. ADD GEAR CTR Trekking Shoes Anti-Skid Hiking Mountain Boots for Men and Women in Action (Black)

ADD GEAR CTR Trekking Shoes Anti-Skid Hiking Product Details
Sole Material | Rubber |
Material Type | TREKKING SHOES + FREE Silicone Goggle Band |
Heel Type | Flat |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Toe style | Composite Toe |
Country of Origin | India |
The shoes are perfect for beginners and those who have a limited budget for them. These shoes are on the cheap side of the market, but they do not compromise on quality. They are very durable, with anti-skid technology that is used in their soles, which makes them a very good and reliable option for the Himalayan trek.
The shoes will not only save you from the harsh terrain of the Himalayan ranges but also save your feet from water and thus decrease the chances of hypothermia. Easy to use and fit for the outdoor terrain. These shoes are good for hiking, trekking, mountain climbing, and fishing.
These shoes are multipurpose and will save your shoes from all types of terrain and keep you safe in the process. These shoes are not only of the protective type but also of great type, and the contrast color combination that comes with them gives them a classy look. From style to great quality, these shoes provide you with everything that you desire from trekking shoes.
The price is very reasonable, and the rating is above 4 stars on Amazon and has more than 1000 reviews from customers. You can definitely choose these shoes and start your trekking journey.
2. ASIAN Men’s Everest-01 Sports Trekking and Hiking Walking Shoes with Rubber Outsole and Memory Foam Insole Lace-Up Shoes for Men’s and Boys

ASIAN Men’s Everest-01 Sports Trekking & Hiking Product Details
Sole Material | Rubber |
Material Type | Mesh |
Heel Type | Flat |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Not Water Resistant |
Toe style | Sneaker |
Country of Origin | India |
These are some of the most reasonably priced shoes on the list. Which offer great features and great quality of the sole with great pricing. This makes the shoes one of the most-sold shoes on the list. The quality of the sole that the company provides is outstanding and will definitely enhance your telling experience to the next level.
The soles of the shoes are designed to provide 10 times more traction and support for your feet than any other normal shoes. The flexible sole will keep the shoes safe for years, thus saving you money. A special toe protector is added to the front of the shoes to provide extra protection for your feet.
This provides you with great confidence while you trek in the Himalayan terrain, which is considered to be the roughest terrain found anywhere in the world. The experience that you will be getting while trekking will be on another level. There is a lot of work done in the design of this particular shoe, like the elevated shoelace level with the threaded protective sides.
The fabric that the company has used makes these shoes extremely light, making them more comfortable and less exhausting for you. Now available in three more attractive colors, from which you can choose your favorite and start your hiking journey.
3. Unistar Hiking/Mountain Boots for Men for Outdoor Trekking and Riding Shoes: Non-Slip, Mild Waterproof, Anti-Fatigue, Comfortable

Mountain Boots for Men for Outdoor Trekking & Ridding Product Details
Shaft height | Ankle Centimeters |
Material Type | Polyurethane |
Heel Type | No Heel |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Toe style | Round Toe |
Country of Origin | India |
Hiking is an extreme hobby that requires great stamina and willpower to complete. These Unistar boots will help you achieve that by providing extra premium features in the shoes compared to the trekking shoes that we discussed.
Cutting-edge moisture-wicking technology has been added to these shoes, keeping them dry even in the rainiest season. The fabric used absorbs the moisture away from your skin and prevents sweat from building up.
Surefooted Traction soles have been equipped in the shoes, ensuring greater traction to the ground, and have been designed to help you in the hardest terrain. Whether there is hard, rocky terrain or slippery, slimy ground, these shoes will never let you go.
The design and the effort that have been put into these shoes truly make them high-performance hiking shoes for the Himalayan trek. These hiking shoes keep your grip even in slippery terrain and help you get forward without any difficulty.
Unistar trekking shoes have been designed to be anti-stain and water-resistant. Protect your shoes from getting stained. No matter what challenges you face outside, these shoes will never leave you alone and help you move forward in the harsh terrain without any extra effort.
4. FURO Lace Up Hiking and Trekking Comfortable Stylish Outdoor Sports Shoes for Men H20006

FURO Lace Up Hiking & Trekking Product Details
Sole Material | Ethylene Vinyl Acetate |
Material Type | Rubber |
Heel Type | No Heel |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Style | Hiking |
Country of Origin | India |
FURO hiking shoes are made to dominate. Anti-shock, anti-skid, and water-proof technology have made these the real Himalayan trekking shoes. The Hi-Grip rubber sole will keep your feet happy during the harsh hiking.
Whether you go in water or on a rocky plain, these shoes will give you support and help you climb the tree with ease. These FURO hiking shoes will not keep you out of style and come with an attractive design and five solid colors.
While the Thramti skidsole will keep you safe in the harsh terrain, the fabric of the shoes has made them very breathable and will prevent the use of sweat.
FURO has worked great to give these shoes an attractive, stylish design that doesn’t look odd on your feet like other trekking shoes.
FURO Lace Up Hiking Shoes have smart fabric and an anti-skid flexible sole, which have impressive quality. I will definitely follow up with you for a long time and give you a good hiking experience in the Himalayan terrain.
All these features and the good quality of the sole make this the first choice for beginners who have just started hiking, and no doubt it is one of the most ideal trekking shoes for Himalayan trails. Get ready for a safe and comfortable hiking experience.
5. Bacca Bucci HIKE 5-Eye Moto Inspired Lightweight Mountaineering Backpacking Trekking/Hiking Boots for Men for Beginners

Bacca Bucci HIKE 5-Eye Moto Product Details
Shaft Height | Ankle Inches |
Material Type | Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate |
Heel Type | No Heel |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Style | Round Toe |
Country of Origin | India |
Again, the company, which has recently become too famous for its designs, is so insane that it provides them at a very reasonable price. They usually make sneakers and stylish products, but recently, they launched some best trekking shoes for Himalayan treks, which might become one of the best hiking footwear for Himalayan mountaineering.
It comes with greater waterproof fabric and extra protection to protect your feet from harsh terrain. The anti-collision ankle protection heel that the shoe provides is very satisfactory and will enhance your hiking performance to the next level. The new technology that you will not find anywhere else other than these pair of shoes is the turbo-air insoles.
This provides extremely comfortable insoles, as it has turbo-air foam designed to absorb shock and push back with the same energy you stepped with. Thus, it is very efficient, saves energy in the long hiking experience, and is definitely worth choosing.
Walk with pride and confidence with these great-quality trekking shoes. a special toe protector and midsole to protect your arch, heel, and ankle. Provides full pack protection to your feet’s from ll around the harsh terrain of the Himalayas. Bacca Bucci Hike 5 is made with extremely strong and light-weight breathable fabric. If you have a budget for these shoes, it will definitely be worth it.
6. Bacca Bucci® Sprite Men’s Snow Boots High-Top Six-Inch Ankle Boots

Bacca Bucci® Sprite Men’s Snow Boots Product Details
Shaft Height | Ankle |
Material Type | Rubber |
Heel Type | Flat |
Closure type | Lace-Up |
Water resistance level | Water Resistant |
Style | Round Toe |
Country of Origin | India |
Again, the same company, and again, the same quality and great technology that it provides at a very reasonable price. These high-quality pairs of trekking shoes have been made to take your hiking experience to the next level. For both beginners and professional hikers, these boots will definitely be the best choice.
The durable fabric and waterproof exterior make these shoes rock solid in harsh external environments. But do not confuse these shoes with a with a strong protective feature that will not provide comfort; it’s actually the opposite, as the shoes have great foam inside so that the shoes fit your shape and your size as best they can.
Providing the best comfort in hiking shoes. Suitably for all types of environments, these hiking shoes are definitely worth going for the first trek that you make.
This will make the harsh terrain of the Himalayan mountains look too easy to cover. High-traction anti-slip soles with an intelligent cut design below will keep your feet stuck to the ground not only in the dry, rocky terrain but also in the most slippery conditions in which you will step. You can wear these hiking shoes for a full day and will not feel any pressure on your feet, as they are designed to be as light as possible.
These are some of the most comfortable pairs of the best trekking shoes for Himalayan treks that you can buy on a low budget, and they will definitely take your trekking experience to the next level. Providing you great comfort and the safety of your feet. I hope you find the list interesting and useful.
FAQs of Best Trekking Shoes for Himalayan Treks
Choosing the right trekking shoes is very tough task when you have so many choices. There are some important features you must look before buying the trekking shoes such as Durability, build material, comfort, Toe and Heel Protection, ankle supportand Breathability.
Yes, waterproof trekking shoes are essential for Himalayan treks due to unpredictable weather, snow and wet conditions, ensuring that your feet remain dry, warm and comfortable, thereby avoiding blisters and cold-related problems.